Avraham Ben-Yitzhak, one of the first Modernist Hebrew poets, published only 12 poems in his life-time, yet his poetry is highly appreciated and influential on all generations of Hebrew poets. From Bialik, Shlonsky, and Lea Goldberg, through Nathan Zach, to young poets writing today, all have regarded his work as one of the pinnacles of Hebrew poetry.
All previous editions of Avraham Ben-Yitzhak’s poems suffer from omissions, errors, and deletions. This critical edition, based on archival materials, is the first to include all of Avraham Ben-Yitzhak’s published and known poems in their corrected, complete versions. It also includes 50 poems and fragments found in archives, published in this collection for the first time. Thus, this is the first collection that includes the entirety of Avraham Ben-Yitzhak’s Hebrew poems and parts of poems.