The year 2021 stands at the midpoint of several centenary years of groundbreaking works of modern Jewish philosophy that marked the moment when the intersubjective...
Christine Hayes has been appointed the Sterling Professor of Religious Studies, effective February 20. A scholar of classical rabbinic Judaism, she specializes in Talmudic-...
Postdoctoral Associate in Early Modern/Modern Jewish History and Postdoctoral Associate in Medieval Jewish History for 2021-2023. Read more here.
Iris Idelson-Shein is a senior lecturer at the department of Jewish History, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, and director of the collaborative research project on Jewish...
The Program of Judaic Studies and The Department of Comparative Literature presents Bilingualism in Modern Hebrew Literature and Jewish Literatures, Wednesday, May 1, 2019 -...
The Ancient Judaism Regional Seminar is an annual event that brings together faculty and graduate students with the aim of enhancing graduate training in Ancient Judaism by...
I’m in my third year as an assistant professor in the Theology Department at St. Mary’s University in San Antonio, Texas. At St. Mary’s, I teach classes in the Hebrew Bible...